
M. Dolors Calvet Puig

Name M. Dolors
Surname Calvet Puig
Department Enginyeria de la Construcció-ETSEIB
Address Avda. Diagonal, 647 planta 6
08028 Barcelona
Phone number +34 93 401 19 49

M. Dolors Calvet Puig, PhD by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Collaborating professor of the Department of Engineering of the Construction of the UPC in the Superior Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona.
She has developed his professional activity in urbanism and the arrangement of the territory. She has exerted of lieutenant of mayor of Territory of the city council of Sabadell and has collaborated in city-planning projects and of planning and has published articles and chapters of books about territorial problems.
Its activity of investigation is centered in the territory and the incidence that urbanism and the construction can have in it; She made the doctoral thesis on the transformation of industrial grounds and the cities. She belongs to the group of investigation GIOPACT (Group of Equality of Opportunities at the Architecture, Science and the Technology). She has published articles and book chapters on the situation of women in different scopes and more concretely on the equality of opportunities between women and men. She has participated in several projects of the Institut Català de la Dona of the Generalitat de Catalunya.